Feed Your Mind

    We explore diverse perspectives to create a wide context for cultivating a holistic approach toward health and wellbeing.


    The Lifelong Learning program supports a student apiary at the Campus Garden, and training students to become beekeepers in an annual spring course.

    • Attracting Native Pollinators
    • The Beekeeper's Handbook
    • A Book of Bees
    • Dancing with Bees
    • Honeybee Biology and Beekeeping
    • Honeybee Democracy
    • Honeybee: Lessons from an Accidental Beekeeper
    • Natural Beekeeping

    Composting and Soil Health

    Organics recycling is a pillar of our zero waste commitment and advocacy.

    • Community-Scale Composting Systems
    • 污垢: The Erosion of Civilizations
    • The Hidden Half of Nature
    • The Humanure Handbook
    • The Rodale Book of Composting
    • Worms Eat My Garbage


    We explore how our culture evolved as we seek a new paradigm for food.

    • A Language Older Than Words
    • A Small Place
    • An Island Out of Time
    • Collapse
    • The Culture of Make Believe
    • Deep Green Resistance
    • The Dorito Effect
    • The End of Nature
    • Endgame, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2
    • Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal
    • Food of a Younger Land
    • Founding Gardeners
    • The Good Life
    • Guns, Germs, and Steel
    • 以实玛利
    • Kitchen Literacy
    • The McDonaldization of Society
    • The Monkey Wrench Gang
    • Nickel and Dimed
    • Reindeer Moon
    • Robert Cole’s World
    • Project Animal Farm
    • Sapiens
    • Secrets of the Talking Jaguar
    • The Story of B
    • The Town That Food Saved
    • The Unsettling of America
    • Upstream
    • Walden and Civil Disobedience
    • Working in the Shadows
    • The Atomic Cafe
    • 天地玄黄
    • The Corporation
    • Earth 2100
    • Everything’s Cool
    • The End of the Line
    • The End of Poverty?
    • 首页
    • Human Footprint
    • Just Eat It
    • Koyaanisqatsi
    • Life and Debt
    • Manufacturing Consent
    • Merchants of Doubt
    • Planet in Peril
    • Radiant City
    • Samsara
    • Trashed
    • The Unforeseen
    • Waste Land
    • What a Way to Go
    • The Yes Men Fix the World


    • A Sand County Almanac
    • Anthill: A Novel
    • Braiding Sweetgrass
    • Cows Save the Planet
    • Desert Solitaire
    • Eaarth
    • The Ecology of Commerce
    • Kinship with All Life
    • The Lost Language of Plants
    • The Myth of Progress
    • Nature Wars
    • 海洋
    • Pilgrim at Tinker Creek
    • Sacred Cow
    • Silent Spring
    • The Spell of the Sensuous
    • The Tracker
    • Tree: A Life Story
    • The Weather Makers
    • The World Without Us
    • What We Leave Behind
    • Where the Wild Things Were
    • Blue Gold: World Water Wars
    • Chasing Coral
    • Chasing Ice
    • 污垢! The Movie
    • Fantastic Fungi
    • Life After 人
    • Sacred Cow
    • Sacred Planet
    • Sharkwater
    • 利用
    • Years of Living Dangerously

    Education and Learning

    • The Biology of Belief
    • Dumbing Us Down
    • The Earth Has a Soul
    • The Hero with a Thousand Faces
    • Into the Forest: A Novel
    • Into the Wild
    • Last Child in the Woods
    • Listening to the Land
    • My 以实玛利
    • The Nature Principle
    • Rewild or Die
    • Unlearn, Rewild
    • The Unschooling Unmanual
    • Walking on Water
    • The Writer’s Journey

    Energy and Technology

    Technology makes us human, and our focus in Lifelong Learning is using appropriate modern technology to support human and environmental health.

    • The Artificial Ape
    • Beyond Oil
    • Cradle to Cradle
    • EMF * D
    • 足够的
    • The 首页 Energy Diet
    • 首页owner’s Guide to Renewable Energy
    • The Road to Wigan Pier
    • Solar Water Heating

    • The 11th Hour
    • 袋,
    • Blind Spot
    • Blood And Oil
    • Blue Vinyl
    • Crash Course
    • A Crude Awakening
    • Crude Impact
    • The End of Suburbia
    • 燃料
    • Gasland
    • The Last Mountain
    • Manufactured Landscapes
    • No Impact Man
    • Powaqqatsi – Life in Transformation

    Fermentation, Curing, and Microbes

    • The Noma Guide to Fermentation
    • Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers
    • Salumi: The Craft of Italian Dry Curing
    • Wild Fermentation

    Food Access and Social Justice

    • Closing the Food Gap
    • The Essential Gandhi
    • Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal
    • Farming While Black
    • Forces for Good
    • The Local Economy Solution
    • Locally Laid
    • Peace Is Every Step
    • Rebuilding the Foodshed
    • The Seed Underground
    • The Social Profit Handbook
    • The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved
    • Farmageddon
    • 受够了
    • Food, Inc.
    • The Future of Food
    • Ingredients
    • King Corn
    • Our Daily Bread
    • We Feed the World

    Evolution, Health, and Nutrition

    • Adaptogens
    • Adrenal Fatigue
    • The Big Fat Surprise
    • Born to Run
    • 呼吸
    • The Bulletproof Diet
    • The Carnivore Diet
    • The Coconut Oil Miracle
    • Could It Be B12?
    • The Complete Guide to Fasting
    • Cure Tooth Decay
    • The Dental Diet
    • Diet and Nutrition
    • Deep Nutrition
    • The 污垢 Cure
    • Eat Rich, Live Long
    • Eating on the Wild Side
    • 可食用的
    • Fast Food Nation
    • Grain Brain
    • Heal Your Body, Cure Your Mind
    • Human Heart, Cosmic Heart
    • The Inflammation Spectrum
    • 酮.
    • Lies My Doctor Told Me
    • Long Way on a Little
    • Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
    • The Omnivore’s Dilemma
    • The One-Straw Revolution
    • The Paleo Approach
    • The Paleo Thyroid Solution
    • The Plant Paradox
    • The Salt Fix
    • The Story of the Human Body
    • The Wahls Protocol
    • Wheat Belly
    • Why We Sleep
    • Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Dr. Robert Sopolsky


    The Lifelong Learning program works with wild foods on a routine basis. We recommend reading multiple books and working with a mentor when learning how to forage.

    • Backyard Foraging
    • Botany in a Day
    • 可食用的 Wild Plants
    • Invasive Plant Medicine
    • The Forager’s Harvest
    • Foraged Flavor
    • Foraging and Feasting
    • Identifying and Harvesting 可食用的 and Medicinal Plants
    • Incredible Wild 可食用的s
    • Native American Food Plants
    • The New Wildcrafted Cuisine
    • Stalking the Wild Asparagus
    • Stalking the Healthful Herbs
    • The Wild Wisdom of Weeds
    • Nature’s Garden
    • Northeast Foraging
    • The Quick Guide to Wild 可食用的 Plants
    • Weeds of the Northeast
    • The Forager’s Harvest


    • The Backyard Berry Book
    • The Backyard 首页stead
    • Botany for Gardeners
    • Botany in a Day
    • Bringing Nature 首页
    • Chesapeake Gardening and Landscaping
    • 可食用的 Forest Gardens
    • 可食用的 Wild Plants
    • Free-Range Chicken Gardens
    • Gardening When It Counts
    • The Holistic Orchard
    • How to Survive the End of the World
    • The Living Landscape
    • Mediterranean Vegetables
    • Noah’s Garden
    • Planting in a Post-Wild World
    • Pollinators of Native Plants
    • The Resilient Gardener
    • Seed to Seed
    • The Small-Scale Poultry Flock
    • Tending the Wild
    • Uncommon Fruits for Every Garden
    • Wicked Plants
    • Will Bonsall’s Gardening
    • The Botany of Desire
    • What Plants Talk 关于

    Meditation and Mindfulness

    • The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle
    • Full Catastrophe Living, John Kabit Zinn
    • When Things Fall Apart, Pema Chodren
    • Welcoming, by Pema Chodren
    • True Refuge, Tara Brach
    • Radical Acceptance, Tara Brach
    • The Book of Awakening, Mark Nepo
    • 天地玄黄
    • Rivers and Tides

    Permaculture and Regenerative Living

    • 5英亩 & 一个梦想
    • Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
    • Build Your Own Earth Oven
    • The Carbon-Free 首页
    • 污垢 to Soil
    • The 污垢y Life
    • Introduction to Permaculture
    • Farming on the Wild Side
    • Farming the Woods
    • Gaia’s Garden: 首页-Scale Permaculture
    • The Garden Awakening
    • Getting Food from Water
    • Goodbye, Things
    • Holistic Management
    • Integrated Forest Gardening
    • The Lean Farm
    • The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
    • Miraculous Abundance
    • Natural Remodeling for the Not-So-Green House
    • The New Ecological 首页
    • The Nourishing 首页stead
    • Radical 首页makers
    • The Resilient Farm and 首页stead
    • Paradise Lot
    • The Permaculture City
    • The Permaculture Handbook
    • Practical Permaculture
    • Sepp Holzer’s Permaculture
    • The Solar House
    • The Straw Bale House
    • Toolbox for Sustainable City Living
    • The Transition Handbook
    • Water Storage
    • You Can Farm
    • Your Money or Your Life
    • Zen in the Art of Permaculture Design